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Op.Dr.Figen Yağmur ASLAN





*1985- 1991:Akdeniz University (Antalya, Türkiye);General practitioner \ School of Medicine  1993 - 2001:Akdeniz University (Antalya, Türkiye);Medical Doctor \ School of Medicine, Specialist Training Programme of Neurosurgery



*“Traumatic Cerebrospinal Liquid Rhionere”, Journal of Turkish Neurosurgery,April,1995.                                                                           “Post Operative Angiography in intracranialAneurysm”, Journal of Turkish Neurosurgery,May,2000.                                                                                                                              *“A Case Report on Cysthydatic in The Fifth Cervical Vertebrae”, The 14th Scientific Congress of NeurosurgicalSociety, Antalya,Türkiye,May,2000.                                                                                                                                                                                     *“The Effect of Screw Malposition in The Late Period of Stabilization”, The15thScientific Congress of Neurosurgical    Society,Antalya,Türkiye,May,2001.

*The Effect of Screw Malposition in The Late Period of Stabilization” Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2003 Nov;145(11):949-54; discussion 954-5.                                                                                     

*“The Treatment of Toracolomber Traumas, The Value of Transpedicular Screw Fixation”, M.D. Thesis, Akdeniz University, SchoolofMedicine,Department of  Neurosurgery,June,2001.                                                                                                                              *Transarticular medial approach with partial facetectomy for lomber disc hernia ;                                                                                                               

The 17th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Türkiye, May , 2003.

 *Transarticular medial approach with partial facetectomy for foraminal stenosis and spondylolistesis ;






The 18th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Türkiye, May , 2004.

* Transarticular medial approach with partial facetectomy for foraminal stenosis and spondylolistesis and disc hernia ;                                         

 The 19th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Türkiye, May , 2005.                                                    

*Transarticular medial approach with partial facetectomy for lomber disc hernia and for foraminal foraminal stenosis:and spondylolisthesis,                  

Euro Spine Congress, İstanbul, Türkiye,  April, 2006.                                                                                                                                                 

*A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Lumbar Disc Herniation (Hole Approach),                   

 The 4th İnternational World Spine Congress, İstanbul, Türkiye, June, 2007.

*A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis (Hole Approach),                                                                                                            

The 4th İnternational World Spine Congress, İstanbul, Türkiye, June, 2007.                                                    

*A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis (Hole Approach ) ,

The 10th international Spine Congress collobration with World Spine Society, Alexandre, Egypt, March, 2008  (İnvitedSpeaker). İt’s  given the  PLAQUE  OF  PROFESSOR                                                                                                                                                                                     

*ANovel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Lumbar Disc Herniation (Hole Approach) ‘’Video Presentation ‘’ The 1th İnternational African Neurological Society, Egypt Neurosurgical Society, Egypt Spine   Society, Sharm El-Shake, Egypt, February, 2009 (İnvitedSpeaker)., İt’s  given  the  APPRECİATİON  CERTİFİCATE.                                                                                                                                                                                           

* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis  (Hole Approach ) ‘’Video Presentation ’’İT’S  AWARDED İNNOVATİON PAPER  at  İSMİSS-2 Congress in İSTANBUL, May, 2009

* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis and disc hernia (Hole Approach ) ‘’Video Presentation’’İsmiss congress in Kiev, June, 2009, (İnvited Speaker)




* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis and disc hernia (Hole Approach ) ‘’Video Presentation , 3rd ISMISS Congress in TURKEY on minimaly invasive spine surgery, İSTANBUL, April, 2010.                                                                                

*A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Lumbar Disc Herniation (Hole Approach) ‘’Video Presentation ‘’ , 3rd ISMISS Congress in TURKEY on minimaly invasive spine surgery, İSTANBUL, April, 2010.

*A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain and  sciatica, 3rd ISMISS Congress in TURKEY on minimaly invasive spine surgery, İSTANBUL,  April,  2010

* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis and disc hernia (Hole Approach ) ‘’Video Presentation  , 8rd international symposium, mını-invasıve and ınstrumented surgery of the spine, Kharkiv, May 29, 2010, İnvited  spiker

* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Lumbar Disc Herniation (Hole Approach) ‘’Video Presentation ‘’ , 8rd international symposium, Mini-invasıve and İnstrumented surgery of the spine, Kharkiv,May 29, 2010, İnvited  spiker.

* A  Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain and  sciatica, 8rd international symposium, Miıi-invasıve and Instrumented surgery of the spine, Kharkiv, May 29, 2010,  İnvited  spiker

**A Novel Technigue Of Microsurgical Approach Trough Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis And Spondylolisthesis (Hole Aproaach)  

Aslan F; Maziad M, Sağdaş E, Maziad Alli,Journal of Minimally Invasive Spinal Technology;

 (ISSN: 1937-8254) Supplement II - to IJMIST Vol III No 4)

*Aslan FY, Maziad MA, Sagdas E, Maziad AM  A Novel technique of microsurgical approach through laminofacet-articular junction for lumbar disc herniations .(Hole approach) J Spinal Surg 2: 488-92, 2011.



*A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis and disc hernia (Hole Approach ); 16th    ISMISS-US (İnternational society for minimal intervention in spine surgery) Fellowship and  Training Course. 31 AAMISMS  Hands-on course  and Advances in Endoscopic  Minimally ınvasıve Spine Surgery,  August 23-27,  California Spine Instıtute,  Losangeles, USA , İnvited Spiker.

* A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain and  sciatica, ‘’ 16th    ISMISS-US (İnternational society for minimal intervention in spine surgery) Fellowship and  Training Course. 31 AAMISMS  Hands-on course  and Advances in Endoscopic  Minimally ınvasıve Spine Surgery, Augus t 23-27,  California Spine Instıtute,  Losangeles, USA , İnvited Spiker.

* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis (Hole Approach );Under the patronage of her  royal  Highness  Princess Alia Tabbaa,The second Annual meeting of the International Society for the Advancement  of Spine Surgery /Middle East Chapter (SASME), In Collabration with Jordan Universty of science and Technology,King Abdullah Universtiy Hospital , 3-5  February, 2011,  Jordan, İnvited  Spiker.

A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain and  sciatica, Under the patronage of her  royal  Highness  Princess Alia Tabbaa,The second Annual meeting of the International Society for the Advancement  of Spine Surgery /Middle East Chapter (SASME), In Collabration with Jordan Universty of science and Technology,King Abdullah Universtiy Hospital , 3-5  February, 2011,  Jordan, İnvited  Spiker.

* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis and disc hernia(HoleApproach) )                                                                                             ; 4 rd ISMISS Congress in TURKEY on minimaly invasive spine surgery, Antalya,Turkey,   April,  2011

* A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain   sciatica and Space one hand block combination in cervical  disc herniation,                                                                                                                   4 rd ISMISS Congress in TURKEY on minimaly invasive spine surgery, Antalya,Turkey,   April,  2011

*Early Results of neural theraphy and antıodema Combination theraphy at the knee pain. 4 rd ISMISS Congress in TURKEY on minimaly invasive spine surgery, Antalya,Turkey,   April,  2011

*A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis and disc hernia (Hole Approach );  The 25th Scientific Congress of  Neurosurgical Society,May 13-16,2011 Antalya, Türkiye.


* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis and disc hernia  (Hole Approach ) ; The 4 th congress and the 9 th Annual scientific meeting of the İndonesian Spine society (ISS), 2 nd International Society of Minimal intervention inSpinal Surgery(ISMISS)-Indonesin Chapter.   Comprehensive management of the aging spine,July,28-30,2011,Jakarta-Indenosia,İnvited Speaker

A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain   sciatica and Space one hand block combination in cervical  disc herniation, The 4 th congress and the 9 th Annual scientific meeting of the İndonesian Spine society (ISS), 2 nd International Society of Minimal intervention inSpinal Surgery(ISMISS)-Indonesin Chapter.   Comprehensive management of the aging spine,  July,28-30,2011,Jakarta-Indenosia, İnvited Speaker

A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain   sciatica and Space one hand block combination in cervical  disc herniation.American Society of İnterventional Pain Physicians(ASIPP) 2012 Annual meeting,june 9-13,2012 Washington ,DC.USA

* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis and disc hernia  (Hole Approach ) ; The 11 th Annual scientific meeting of the İndonesian Spine society (ISS), 4 th International Society of Minimal intervention in Spinal Surgery(ISMISS)-Indonesia Chapter,June ,28-30,2013 South Sumatera, Indenosia,İNVİTED SPEAKER.

*A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain   sciatica and Space one hand block combination in cervical  disc herniation, ; The 11 th Annual scientific meeting of the İndonesian Spine society (ISS), 4 th International Society of Minimal intervention in Spinal Surgery(ISMISS)-Indonesia Chapter,June ,28-30,2013 South Sumatera, Indenosia,İNVİTED SPEAKER.

A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain   sciatica and Space one hand block combination in cervical  disc herniation, The 5 th TURKMISS , 6 th  ISMISS TURKEY,April 11-14, 2013 Sheraton Çeşme Hotel Resort,  İNVİTED SPEAKER.

*A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis (Hole Approach ) ; The 5 th TURKMISS , 6 th  ISMISS TURKEY,April 11-14, 2013 Sheraton Çeşme Hotel Resort,  İNVİTED SPEAKER.

*A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis (Hole Approach ) ; Combined Scoliosis Research Society SRS World Wide Course  2013 and  Internatıonal  11 th Symposıum on

Mınımal Invasıve and Instrumented Surgery of the Spine.,May23-25,Kharkov ,Ukraine


*A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis (Hole Approach ) ; 25ThTurkish Neurological society meeting,April,Antalya.2015,

*A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain   sciatica and Space one hand block combination in cervical  disc herniation ;8 İSMİSS meeting,April, İstanbul,2015.(İNVİTED SPEAKER) .

*A Novel combination of facet  joint injection and sural block for low back pain   sciatica and Space one hand block combination in cervical  disc herniation ; WVSIPP pain congress,August 14-16,Adam Roc hotel, Miami, Florida,USA.

*A novel joint injection and peroneal,sural injection technique for Lumbar

Pathologies:How its effect disc resolution and pain reduction rate; 

*A novel joint injection and space one injection for bracialgia and cervical disc

Herniations.How its effects disc resolution and pain reduction rate

WVSIPP pain congress,August 14-16,Adam Roc hotel, Miami, Florida,USA.

* A Novel Technique Of Microsurgical Approach Through Laminofacet Articular Junction For Foraminal Stenosis, And Spondylolisthesis (Hole Approach ); 26ThTurkish Neurological society meeting,April,Antalya.2016,


Poster presentation:

*Başarısız bel cerrahisi dahil tüm lomber patolojili olgularda, ağrının  tanımlanmasında mezoterapinin yeri;

*Lomber patolojilerden Diz ve yansıyan ağrının ayırt edilmesinde nöral terapi ile birlikte mezoterapi uygulanımının etkinliği ve erken sonuçları;

* Elin 1 inci interosseoz  ( enfiye kutusu)  blok birlikteliği ile birlikte uygulanan yeni servikal enjeksiyon ve kokteil kombinasyonun servikal disk  hastalarında uygulanımı. Bu teknik  servikal diskin rezorbsiyon ve ağrı giderilmesi oranını  ne kadar etkilemektedir.


* Peroneal ve sural sinir blok birlikteliği ile uygulanan yeni lomber enjeksiyon ve kokteil kombinasyonun lomber patolojili hastalarda uygulanımı. Bu teknik diskin rezorbsiyon ve ağrının giderilmesi oranını ne kadar etkilemektedir.

26ThTurkish Neurological society meeting,April,Antalya.2016,

*Neural theraphy,mesotheraphy and peroneal/sural block for spinal pain,September 29-october 2,2016 Koç University Hospital,Topkapı-istanbul,Turkey İNVİTED SPEAKER.

*Numerous publications/abstracts/lectures in national and international

*Numerous memberships in national and international nerosurgery and spine

related societies.

*A novel joint injection and peroneal,sural injection technique for Lumbar

Pathologies:How its effect disc resolution rate

*A novel joint injection and space one injection for bracialgia and cervical disc

Herniations.How its effects disc reolution rate?


Attended Congresses

*The9th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, İzmir, Türkiye, April 9-14, 1995.                                                                               *The11th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Türkiye, May 9-11, 1997.                                                                          *The12th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Türkiye, May 15-19, 1998.                                                                          *The13th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, İstanbul, Türkiye, May 17-19, 1999.                                                                                                        *The14thScientificCongressofNeurosurgicalSociety,Antalya,Türkiye,May17-21,2000.                                                                                                             *The15thScientificCongressofneurosurgicalSociety,Antalya,Türkiye,May22-26,2001.                                                                       *Symposium of Lomber Degenerative Disc Disease, Antalya, Türkiye, October 6-7, 2000.                                                                       *The 17th Scientific Congress of Neurosurgical Society, Antalya, Türkiye, May , 2003.                                                                                         *8th Turkish  spinal surgery groups meeting, ,November, 2008, Antalya,Turkey.

* The 25th Scientific Congress of NeurosurgicalSociety, Antalya, Türkiye, May13-16,2011


Attended Courses

-Workshop on Spinal Surgery, Ege University, School of Medicine, İzmir, Türkiye, November 25-26,2000.                                                                                                                                                             -Spinal Surgery ( as a fellow) Ege University, School of Medicine, İzmir, Turkey, at six months.                                                                                                                               -2002,2005,2007, neurlogy (adult and pediatric), vascular surgery,spinal surgery, transphenoidal surgery to be Fellow at 1,5 years in USA.


English (professional level)

Mailing Adress

Deniz mah, Konyaalti cad. Uğur apt 26/8 Antalya, Turkey